Wednesday 24 December 2008


Just saw the trailer for Tim Burton's new cgi film "9" and boy does it look good. Shame its release is 9-9-09 thats 9 months away...9! Imagine if the Sackboys from LittleBigPlanet were in War of the Worlds and were kicking ass... oh and they could speak.

Friday 19 December 2008

About Me

I'm a 19 year old computer science student. I rock climb with the university several times a week and I'm going to start surfing with the uni from next year. Going on nights out is a regularity. I hope to get into the games industry when I graduate from uni.

What to expect from my blog:
My weird thoughts and opinions on random crap.
The crazy stuff that happens at uni.
The nights out and the events that transpire.
My opinions on games and games news.
And whatever else I want to blog about.